2 definitions by A Blackout Menance

One who takes a nap during serious drinking hours.
" Hey lets go take some shots " - normal person

" Oh no thanks, I'm gonna take a nap instead " - Nap bagger
by A Blackout Menance January 25, 2009
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A woofbag is an individual who often does unsanitary and woofy things. Such as: putting jelly on grill cheese, has cheese dip dripping from desk, enjoys the smell of their own vomit, announces losing toe nails via facebook and away message. A woofbag can be found doing any of these actions along with other woof like tendencies.
" Whats a woofbag? " - Innocent bystander in saga

" Emily !! " - BOM
by A Blackout Menance January 23, 2009
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