4 definitions by 30_DOLLARHAIRCUT
leftover prescriptions found laying around in the house. very risky to leave around, as they could be illegal to keep after you aren’t prescribed the same medication anymore.
by 30_DOLLARHAIRCUT March 6, 2020
A combination of Imodium and Nexium or Prilosec. Imodium acts as an opioid similar to methadone when taken with PPI’s such as Nexium, it is sold in stores without prescription as it normally can not cross the blood-brain barrier. This is also why its used as a self-treatment for opioid withdrawal.
by 30_DOLLARHAIRCUT January 25, 2022
by 30_DOLLARHAIRCUT December 25, 2018
Could be either a reference to a sex act of one cupping their hands around another ball-sack, or slang for making lean, in reference to the common double cup used to keep the ice from melting.
by 30_DOLLARHAIRCUT March 24, 2020