2 definitions by 240tshead

Myspace, Facebook, or other social networking site user that will add anyone - and very well everyone to their friends. It's often annoying getting requests from these people because you don't have any mutual friends at all. In fact, the only thing you have in common is Adam & Eve as ancestors.

Also, the word is a play on words of three words.

addemall = add em' all
Janice: We live in the same state so I'm going to add them!

Jeremy: Janice, you are such a dumb addemall!
by 240tshead December 17, 2010
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An internet slang abbreviation for 'This Is Definitely An Unfortunate Setback For Me'. Also a parody/alternate form of the FML.
Ahhh I got in a car wreck today. TIDAUSFM!
by 240tshead September 3, 2010
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