2 definitions by ....Donut

Unlike the soccer phrase nutmeg, the victim of a nut mugging has to be male. The victim is impaled with a sharp object in the male genital region also known as the ballsack. Semen and blood begin spilling out of the man’s sack as this gruesome act is performed. The items used to impale the sack usually include tooth picks, knives, and sharpened toothbrushes. This act is highly illegal in every state and country while if done the so called nut muggerwill be put to death instantly. As the male victim will have much difficulty reproducing and spreading his genes.
Bro Kyle is pissing me off I’m about to nut mug him
by ....Donut December 30, 2017
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Not to be confused with the popular soccer term nutmeg when the attacking player dribbles the ball between the defenders legs, however in this case it is not a soccer ball going between your legs it is a large dagger-like shank. Nutmug is when any weapon or sharp object is inserted or stabbed into a victims testicular area. Typically used by gangs in the 1960’s the victim (always being a male) experiences excruciating pain in the baby-maker. After the action of stabbing another male’s balls has taken place it is popular to remove the male’s balls and keep them as souvenir usually storing them in a jar or box.
John-Bro what happened last night you were at the party then you just disappeared!
Michael-Bro everything went black the next thing I knew my balls were gone!
John- Oh you got nutmugged
by ....Donut May 30, 2018
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