78 definitions by Batman

like noodles, but reeealy teeny noodles.
"woah hey im not in mood for noodles! they look wayy too big"

"yo dude! try some nodles!"

"just what i need man, thanx"
by Batman March 18, 2005
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a person who whishes to engage in sexual intercourse with a stuffed animal.
That furry stole my teddy bear... he can keep it.
by Batman December 13, 2002
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A furry is a disillusioned person who claims that their own social ineptness is due to an innate link with the animal world rather than the fact that they're ugly and smell of onions.

Like most social outcasts such as anime fans and nerds, Furries believe themselves to be 'unique' and superior to everyone else. In truth, they are no more an animal trapped in a human body than you or I.

Furries dress up in animal costumes and viciously rape one another from behind, which supposedly brings them more in tune with the animal kingdom. This disturbing sexual fetish can, and normally does, subsequently turn them into paedophiles at later stages in life.
by Batman June 4, 2005
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concentrated foulness; intentionally bad; extremely malignant; Microsoft.
1. wow, microsoft put a lot of evil into their new windows professional edition.
2. help! my new windows professional edition just tried to cut off my penis! that's pretty darn evil.
by Batman February 21, 2003
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n. a person who can't afford the whole word "poor" so he's "po". May suffer from extreme Dislexia and has trouble distinguishing between his elbow and his penis. May be seen rubbing his elbow furiously in public.

v. to fail at everything in life
Haven't you ever seen a Mike Fromm living in a box?
by Batman March 5, 2003
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"Oh, man," Nicole finally exclaimed. "I am trizzarkled."
by Batman July 1, 2004
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common word used in hip hop, most common use is the ejaculate on someone or somethin
angelo used his dick to skeet all over dana's virgin eyes
by Batman January 2, 2005
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