89 definitions by Andrea

a feeling of love for another so deep no one can see it and only you and this other person can feel it
everytime i see him i feel all shlubberlybub
by Andrea March 24, 2004
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People who belong to the site Geekstinkbreath.net

More than half of them get their shorts in a bunch when someone disses their opinion.They can't get over the fact if someone hates green day.

Some of the kids are open-minded.Some are irrational.

we're awesome,yet we can be losers.
Personally,I think only 5% of the people have brains,and get passed that.
Kid 1:I HATE GREEN DAY! BUT THIS IS A KICKASS SITE;I'll still be one of the gsbians!
hot headed kid:ZOMG! GET OFF THIS SITE!
rational one:-_- Who the fuck cares if he hates green day?
by Andrea June 19, 2006
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a girl from los angeles california representing all the black and asian women
jhene got discovered in los angeles california
by Andrea October 5, 2003
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The process in which one turns into an old Chinese woman who eats a lot of eggrolls and has a small wang.
Spending too much time with Amanda seemed to be causing Phillip to go through the process of brueggeization.
by Andrea February 5, 2005
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thats what people in wisconsin call people from illinois
i wish these fucking flatlanders would go back to their own state
by Andrea July 9, 2004
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another insulting name for a spanish person. the reason they use this is because when spanish people talk mad fast all the could hear is guala guala guala.
yo shut the fuck up you fucking guala guala
by Andrea December 8, 2004
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minnesota is best state in the whole country. it has a wide variety of weather situations inculding SUMMER where the temperature can reach up to about 100 degrees. there are a lot of different races religons and people here and PLUS our governer can beat up your governer!
all minnesotans are extremly sexy and very good at snowboarding or skiing
by Andrea March 9, 2005
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