112 definitions by K

nick name for Chicago. Used mostly by south side residents, and famous people from the city, giving props to their hometown.
"What up all my chi-town boyz?"

"I'm from Chi-Town"

"Dawg I went to Chi-Town and rode The El into the north side"
by K July 4, 2004
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adj.. - As in "your face", what you say to people when you feel the need to tell them it is their face.
Person A: "Yours."
Person B: *explodes*
by K February 25, 2005
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really hot kid at medford memorial
k k k k k k k k k k k kk k k k k k kk
by K March 21, 2005
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A slick Mofo! Haha. A great skater and his skills are amazing especially seeing as he hasn't been skating for very long.
Zee Terry Kennedy of the element skateboards team.
by K February 27, 2004
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a girl that acts like a hoodrat but isnt old enough to be classified as one.
Look at all them hoodbabies on Maury.
by K January 23, 2005
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A tuque is indeed a hat which keeps us warm during the -20/-40 winters of Québec and the rest of Canada. The word "tuque" is especially used in other, metaphoric expressions as well.
"Attache ta tuque!"

This expression means "you'll have a hard time doing this or that". Another variant is:

"Attache ta tuque avec de la broche!"

That means the task at hand is even steeper.
by K January 19, 2005
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An 'L337' way of saying 'maximum' that teenagers use to seem cool. Guys at gamestores seem to say it a lot in certain areas, too.
Guy: Dude, lookit my new videogame!
Guy #2: Halo 2? That game roxxorz maxxorz!
by K November 27, 2004
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