3 definitions by ₴₳₮ⱧⱠ₳₮ⱧØ

(Shinth-wa) The state of being at peace or having complete stasis of your emotions
Clear your mind, and you may achieve full xinthwa.
Only at xinthwa, may your full potential be realized
by ₴₳₮ⱧⱠ₳₮ⱧØ December 13, 2018
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Vexare is a talented dubstep producer starting out at a very young age, making some of his most successful songs when he was fifteen. Vexare has been producing for a while, and as of July 2019, has been on a hiatus for 4 years now according to his soundcloud.

Some of his albums include, Clockwork, Thoughtless Reflections, and Horizons.
He is also know for making an old-style hardcore dubstep song with a badass piano buildup for the meme, "imma firing mah lazers" back in 2012.
Man, have you listened to Vexare's song Clockwork, it's amazing!
Vexare is the best dude, I wish he would come back.
Please Vexare, please come back.
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A person who acts in opposition towards oneself. Usually verbally in manner and tends to go out of their way to annoy you. Though, it can go all the way to attempts at ruining your life.
Fuck Alex, that tonenale’s always getting in my way.
Let’s peel back these tonnales and show em who’s boss.
by ₴₳₮ⱧⱠ₳₮ⱧØ February 3, 2023
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