46 definitions by ಠ_ರೃ 1997

Short for fuck all of you



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In a group chat a group of assholes are talking shit to you or your friend you type. FAOY
by ಠ_ರೃ 1997 February 25, 2018
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A person or thing I'm lacking quality and or not exceeding expectations
When you buy an item or service and the item or service is lacking in getting its job done you know most of the next gen consoles those are waste of shit things are not made like they used to be used in a sentence
1) that weed delivery service was a waste of shit I ordered golden glue and I got tobacco
2) bro did you get the new Xbox One nah man my last one was a waste of shit so I just build a PC
by ಠ_ರೃ 1997 March 1, 2018
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One who manipulates codes API or Hardware to make his or her gaming experience unique to those he or she meets. a modder often frowned upon and there are some bad apples. that will use mods to their advantage often affiliated with with cheaters hackers other but not all modders want to destroy your gameplay experience unlike most people would lead you to believe
Modders are people that modify a game in some way and sometimes developers take ideas from modders you may have a used a design of a modder and didn't even know it
by ಠ_ರೃ 1997 January 24, 2019
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Something my parents made the mistake of not using
Your parents should have used the condom
by ಠ_ರೃ 1997 December 22, 2020
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A really highly impractical big ass dildo that can't fit in any normal humans ass or whatever the fuck part you put a dildo in
The moby huge is a 3-foot dildo which is a really highly impractical size no normal human can fit a Moby huge in whatever part that you use a dildo on
by ಠ_ರೃ 1997 February 25, 2018
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the ah-64 is one of one of many aircraft that you do not want to be on the receiving end of
by ಠ_ರೃ 1997 September 14, 2019
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