6 definitions by Ø

For a giy to kiss a girl's breasts with passion and splendor. Usually makes the girl laugh.
Nick felt like making Kristina laugh, so he gave her a gigantic pimp kiss.
by Ø November 15, 2004
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The Indian equivalent of Hollywood, which actually puts out many more films per year; based in Bombay and New Delhi
They say that the Hollywood stars are hot, but check out Ishtar from Baliwood.
by Ø September 8, 2004
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lap tag often reminds people of lap dance but isn't really the same. one person sits in the middle of a ring composed of partners, with one partner in between the legs of the other, with everyone facing inward. the middle person calls out the name of someone in the inner ring, and the people in the outer ring have to try to keep the person from getting to the person in the middle.

sometimes results in breast grabbing and crotch-kicking.
Deborah and Lyle like to play lap tag, but only because they love to grab each other and never let go (lyle likes deborah's breasts)

Andy is the best at lap tag because he kicks his opponents in the crotch and shoots to the middle
by Ø February 19, 2005
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To have an orgasm, to cum
Elektra wanted to go go go, so she made Pierre lick her crotch
by Ø November 15, 2004
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a click robot is like, da coolest piece of shiznit ever created in da history of man. it's like this little piece of electronics with a screen and sometimes it likes to kill you and imprint things in your skin, yo.

deftly used on achewood cartoon. poor philippe.

my click robot has a heart that beats and you can make him excited.
Franz, you got your click robot in the mail? I want to make him pee his pants and die.
by Ø February 19, 2005
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