3 definitions by [INSERT A NAME CUZ IM LAZY AF]

“hsbdgsjdbcixbdjdgcdndh” is a biological phenomenon of the modern human when they have a fucking seizure and type this before they die.
Damn, Johnny really had a hsbdgsjdbcixbdjdgcdndh when we showed him that video that is fucking dangerous to epileptic people.
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The act of turning something into a Russian meme. If you Slav Mematize something, it would normally include guns, vodka, or some deadass looking guy.
“He just committed Slav Mematics to a horse with testicular cancer! Now that bitch have some real brass balls...”
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When you fucking masturbate a fucking horse. It is also when you cum or rape it. I tried to make you sound smart when you say it, and not like you’re about to fuck a horse.
“Wow, he just committed mastahorsalism! He’s a fucking mad lad!”
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