36 definitions by ????^_^????

Conservatives who belive that government should reflect their views and no one elses. They tend to behind the attack on cultural pluralism.
A term that is mostly attached to Conservatives who are on the Far Right.
"Because of Callous Conservatism money that would gone to releaving the poor and improving education went to tax cuts for the rich" cried the the angry man at Town Meeting.
by ????^_^???? September 30, 2006
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A sterotype that is used by the Conservative Hate Culture.

Generaly refers to Liberals or Environmentalist who are concerned about the status of or Country's forests and Natural resources.
You can't blame a Tree Hugging Liberal for loving America.
by ????^_^???? October 25, 2006
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A Gundam Referance
A philosophical belief that Earth is sacred and mankind must leave it and live in space. This philosophical theroy is part of a larger theroy known as Contolism.
The philosophy was developed by philosopher turned policitican Zeon Zum Deikun.
Er-ism would have a long standing effect on the Earth-Sphere.
by ????^_^???? June 22, 2007
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short for New England Small College Athlectic Association

A athletic Association formed in 1971 that is made up of eleven highly selective liberal arts colleges and universities that share a similar philosophy for intercollegiate athletics. The Conference was created out of a concern for the direction of intercollegiate athletic programs, and remains committed to keeping a proper perspective on the role of sport in higher education.

Colleges that Belong to NESCAC
Amherst College, Williams Colege, Wesleyan University
Bates College, Colby College, Hamilton College, Middlebury College, Trinity College and Tufts University Connecticut College
Amherst College had to play Bates College to win the NESCAC Men's Basketball Championship.
by ????^_^???? October 7, 2006
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A slang word for Conservative figures in the media that try to put the blame on Liberals for all of America's woes regardless of who is at fault. Conservative Scapegoat Artists tend use half truths or down right lies to promote Prejudice against Liberals.
Conservative Scapegoat artists are behind tend to thrive on the Social Divide.
by ????^_^???? August 23, 2007
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When a political party violates the moral vaules that they claims to follow.
Being Morally Bankrupt can cost you the control of Congress.
by ????^_^???? December 18, 2006
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A.K.A. Smear Attack
A dirty Political tactic used by politcal groups in a awfull attempt to demonize their opponents or rally ones political base.
This tactic is used when the losing side in a political,race, voting Initiative.
This tactic is most effective when supported by lots of media coverage. The end result is a false fear on insecurity which will very likely effect the peoples minds on election day.
Both left wingers and Right Wingers of diffrent back grounds are know to employ this tactic.

One of the most recent examples of this tactic is the War On Christmas
People were disgusted by the Religious Rights attempt at playing the martyr three weeks before election day.
by ????^_^???? October 17, 2006
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