5 definitions by /summon


to call a hawaiian pizza hut with the idea of cheesing them
Lets go HawaiianChizzaHutting tonight!!
by /summon September 2, 2024
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Two opposing forces that make up a larger whole.
The duality of man, racists and activists, Peanut butter and people named Martin
by /summon March 19, 2023
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A state or being of sickness or unnerve; Sick
"My friends Zach and toby are mentally unwell"
by /summon June 16, 2023
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a word, often intertwined with bad names, such as elias
some kid at my school is named elias, such retardation
by /summon July 10, 2022
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an unfunny member of the male sexuality
My friend made the worst joke today! He's such a Bappop.
by /summon April 26, 2022
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