4 definitions by +8

The act of waking up early, dropping the dugan of your life, and then frantically wiping to complete the experience; unfortunately when wiping the excess remains on your thumb.
Dude, I passed the most amazing BM that there was nothing that I could do to avoid the Brown Thumb.

(calling best friend) {You} You would not believe what happened this morning. {Friend} I cant talk. {You} It involves the brown thumb. {Friend} I've got time for that. Tell me more.
by +8 January 9, 2009
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The act of wasting two hours on a terrible movie
Vertical Limit was such a dugan!
by +8 January 9, 2009
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The act of portraying Leon Phelps from the 'Lady's Man' everytime there is a championship football game on televion.
Kevin whipped out the Dugan trying to get into Jen's pants
by +8 January 9, 2009
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To sweat when the word "cheesesteak" is mentioned
When Kevin challengeded Cory to an eating contest, he Metrokotsas -ed when he told him the cuisine
by +8 January 9, 2009
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