2 definitions by "Caesar" The Great

When something comes out that is new and revolutionary, then a year or so later something else comes out that takes the concept of the first thing and makes it better, ultimately leading to more popularity of the second thing and the decline of the first thing. That's getting facebooked.

Ex- myspace defeat by facebook
Guy 1: Hey remember when Guitar Hero 3 came out?
Guy 2:Yeah
Guy 1: But then Rock Band came out the same year and was better?
Guy 2:Yeah
Guy 1:Guitar Hero totally got facebooked!
by "Caesar" The Great September 29, 2010
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Respectfully obeying all rules related to the acquisition of riding "shotgun" in any given car ride.
Guy 1: Hey man I rode shotgun all the way here. How about you ride shotgun back home.
Guy 2: Hey man thanks!
Guy 1: Don't mention it I'm just practicing shotgun chivalry!
by "Caesar" The Great September 29, 2010
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