Twatching — the act of experiencing an ongoing television show or event via live twitter monitoring, while avoiding the actual show or event.

People often engage in twatching when viewing a televised event — an award show, a debate, a congressional hearing, a sporting event or breaking news, for example — is too boring, irritating, upsetting or excruciating to watch live, so they choose, instead, to experience it in real time by following the hashtags and live tweeting of others.

Some people swear that twatching is often a better experience than watching.
“No, I’m not going to watch the Academy Awards, because when they’re not boring me with their cheesy numbers, they’re pissing me off with their criminally idiotic Oscar choices. But I’ll be twatching every minute, from the red carpet on.”
by jacandy December 20, 2019
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Noun: A female Twitch player that only gets views due to their gender. Makes up for lack of personality with cleavage, makes up for a lack of gaming skill with twerking.
Did you see the live steam spotlight Overwatch has out, it's always some twatch streamer.
by White Goodmen February 4, 2018
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The act of scratching your lady garden and flaps!
Hey Claire. I’m a little bit itchy. Turn away - I’m going to do a bit of twatching!
by #Bringbackthefinger! February 14, 2020
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Tweet watching. Basically a twitter stalker.
James: My ex keep on twatching. Its so annoying.
by Twatching March 6, 2015
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Using a mirror to observe your own vagina
I was horrified to walk in on Grandma twatching. The doctor suggested twatching to the patient with complaints of retained tampon.
by twatchdog July 15, 2017
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