Noun: A female Twitch player that only gets views due to their gender. Makes up for lack of personality with cleavage, makes up for a lack of gaming skill with twerking.
Did you see the live steam spotlight Overwatch has out, it's always some twatch streamer.
by White Goodmen February 4, 2018
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1. To watch your Twitter timeline without tweeting.

2. To not have a Twitter, but still follow along with celebrities' and your friends' tweets and trending topics.
Kevin: Son, get on Twitter.
Derek: I am.
Kevin: The fuck? You haven't tweeted anything in two days.
Derek: I know, man. I just been twatching something serious.

Joe: That #dirtysanchez trending topic last night was so epic.
Matt: Dude, do you even have a Twitter?
Joe: No, I just twatch.
by LeTwatcher June 10, 2011
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Verb: To clock someone's twitter timeline.
He asked me why I had the time to tweet her back, and I hadn't tweeted him. I asked him why he was twatching me.
by That Liddle Shorddie March 7, 2011
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A female's internal menstrual clock; specifically relating to a man soliciting sex.
Captain BlueBalls: "Hey honey, what time does your twatch say?"
She-Bitch the Emasculator: "No go babe, Alabama's playing in town this weekend."
by John, A Goat from Space February 7, 2011
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A cross between a twat and a snatch. A slang term meaning cunt.
Clearly she is in a bad mood, she is acting like a twatch.
by Stretcharmboggs January 8, 2018
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To watch pornography/ sexual things.
Twat + watch = twatch
by sayoko March 20, 2007
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