1) (n) An American Thanksgiving holiday culinary grotesque: Consists of a chicken, stuffed into a duck, progressively stuffed into a turkey and baked. Provides hours of entertainment in the form of waiting for the sucker to finish cooking and enough sandwich meat to last through The Apocalypse.

2) (n) Any obese human that will set upon a buffet like a plague of locusts, stripping said buffet of all edible material, leaving only the garnish, the decorative toothpicks, and the sweaty cheese cubes from earlier in the day.

3) (n) Any plan that is unnecessarily complicated or futile. Used as a simile.
1) "Time for the Cowboys/Redskins game, is the turducken done yet?"

2) "Uh oh, better hit the foodline before turducken over there strips that bitch."

3) Jeff: "I'll be swapping out this small-block, V8 for an straight six."
Dale: "Baking up a turducken are we?"
Jeff: "What?"
Dale: "Sounds like fun."
by Chumbucket November 1, 2006
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deboned turkey stuffed with deboned duck stuffed with deboned chicken stuffed with sausage/cornbread stuffing
by Anonymous July 25, 2003
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A duck stuffed in a chicken stuffed in a turkey. The ultimate example of our domination of the animal kingdom.
Turducken should not exist.
by Spectre2689 July 16, 2005
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1. A dish comprising a chicken stuffed in a duck stuffed in a turkey.

2. To put more meaning into something than can reasonably be expected or intended.
1. "Why have a turkey for Thanksgiving when you can have turducken?"

2. Me1: I hope this isn't the winter of Tovar's discontent
Me2: How would we know?
Me1: You know, anger-flakes falling from the sky, grumble-powder all over the ground, the thermometer frigid with annoyance.
Me2: Words fail me at expressing how awfully you've expanded on that metaphor.
Me1: I know what you mean. I turduckened it.
Me2: You what? Wait, I don't want to know.
Me1: I stretched it unnaturally in order to stuff all sorts of random crap in it.
Me2: Please stop.
by SongMonk October 26, 2006
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A chicken stuffed in a duck stuffed in a turkey. Often eaten on Thanksgiving.

Often considered the predecessor tobapork.
Honey, I need more than just turkey for dinner tonight -- how about fixing up some turducken?!
by Eli Kushan February 19, 2004
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A turducken is a deboned turkey stuffed inside of a deboned duck stuffed inside of a deboned chicken. Generally, turduckens are considered a specialty food and are very popular in Cajun cuisine. Preparing a turducken takes at least 15-18 hours, requires many ingredients, sells anywhere from $60 to upwards of $250, and demands great attention to detail when seasoning and stuffing.
Even turkitarians get tired of turkey at Thanksgiving dinner and buy a delicious turducken to celebrate the day the pilgrims came to America and settled at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts.
by PWS27 October 6, 2017
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Turducken is a non-traditional Thanksgiving meal consisting of a boneless turkey, stuffed with a boneless duck, which also happens to be stuffed with a small boneless turkey. Stuffing generally fills the space between the layers. After all stuffings have been added, each layers is then sewn up and then cooked. Turdurken has a cajun origin, and gained it popularity on John Maddens Monday Night Football.
I tried to make an all natural turducken, but the chicken and the duck were being asses.
by JohnMadden November 22, 2007
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