A person who is non-productive, that takes advantage of a situation and does the least work possible; taking the easy way out.
Damn, those ODPhi's are skaters!
by Horacio Avelar May 7, 2006
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board pusher not to be confused with the endlessly mocked blader...it actually takes skill to do tricks suck as an ollie(which is the base for all tricks unless its old school) nollie, kickflip, heelflip, pop, shuvit f/s,b/sollie 180, 360 hardflip.....
where as in rollerblading you just pick up you feet...

skill? i think not...
blader: skateboarding is so easy...but rollerblading is a real challenge
skater: i pity you for even thinking that
by A.J.M. December 18, 2003
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1) Middle class well off kid who usually cant actually skate, they like to badmouth Townies or chavs for being less pathetic than they are. they form there own hierachies
with the top skater who they will all crowd around hoping for him to talk to them. They are dismissive of those near the bottom of the hierachie because talking to them wont advance them further. usually huddle around the corner of the playground because sport is for chavs
<skater 1>Omfg look at those chavs playing football the all think there so cool.
<Sk8er 2>Hey here comes tristan.
<sk8er1>Lets try to get in the circle around him.
<sk8er2> Lets go dude
by angry working class teen April 28, 2006
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a skater is someone who CAN skate,and dosnt just buy a shitey board,and then goes along for a little while and then gives up and says," i cant skate i give up". real skaters never give up on skating, a true skater duz listen to stuff like bob marley,and a personal favorite "misfits" they also wear what ever the hell they want.most of them seem to have long hair and baggy cloathes because thats what they think they should wear,they think that if they loook the part then when they walk down the street then people wil think that they can skate,BUT more than half of the time if you are wearing baggy stuff then you cannot skate. i as a true skater have been skating for 6 years and sure i started out wearing all the baggy shite but after a while i just stoped caring now i wear tight jeans and i try to avoid wearing black bacause its a lame color.plus i wear nike air force 1s for performance.and also most skaters are typicaly portaid as smokers and pot heads.but a true skater has no time for smoking and dope cos there busy skating.
skater: listening to cd player
pikey: goooooor lookatims bois ims is a skater lets frow rocks at is ed "get up muvaz pole"
skater: skates on past then flys them the bird....
by englandsucks April 13, 2004
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People who fuck up community parks then wonder why the mayor hates them.
"You guys wanna go skate and be cool?"
by mmmmmmm April 14, 2005
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a bunch of fucking pricks that think their cool cuz they smoke weed and can do tricks on a piece of fucking wood with wheels if u ask me they should all gown some fucking balls and ride bmx cuz its the only sport that real man do that aren't afraid to brake bones or get more then 3 feet of air off a fuck jump....
if ur a skater ur part of the fakest fucking sport ever made up
by bmx-4-life August 8, 2011
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