"Man, I really screwed the pooch when I talked to my boss while I was druck last night."
by Quentin August 1, 2003
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To commit a blatant heinously humiliating error.
When he got drunk and took on the ninja, he really screwed the pooch.
by postmachoguy January 3, 2009
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Boy who ever approved the new Big Tex design really screwed the pooch!
by screwedthepooch October 5, 2013
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joe : trent, this isnt what i ordered . trent: oh whoopsies i really screwed the pooch.
by pappiihoe March 28, 2017
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Screwing the pooch is a nonsensical action that is being done while a major fuck up is occuring or has occured.
Management have screwed the pooch while the competition gained the upperhand.
by ANTZILLA July 13, 2014
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to fuck things up royally; originally used by U.S. naval aviators to mean "crash one's plane into the water"
by Anonymous June 5, 2003
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