The moment of coincidence, quirk of fate, joke of karma, or instance of destiny which reveals itself in one blessed instant that was previously deemed impossible by external forces- the instant your life irrevocably changes to include a 'we.'
One glorious example could be the night Ben and Caylan were brought together, a week shy of beginning their respective life-changing, international adventures in the Army and Peace Corps. They had the "right timing."
by -Stella- January 27, 2015
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A response to a well-pondered question that the responder thinks is a philosophical response when really is completely useless.
Jack: Hey Jill, when should I ask her out on a date?

Jill: At the right time.

Jack: When the hell is that. . .?
by §amurai April 24, 2010
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The timing was perfect. Also see: "right on" and "on point"
That pina colada was right on time; I needed some sugar on a hot day like today!
by BHolla July 21, 2014
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When you finish a report, analysis, or other assignment right before it is due.
Bob: "Jim's busted now!"
Jason: "No, Jim is going to be fine, he Finished - Right on time!"
by adiz97 April 7, 2011
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When two people (presumably soulmates) are made for each other but were not able to get together due to unfortunate circumstance.
A: Wow, did you see how strong Dazai and Oda’s bond was in Bungou Stray Dogs?
B: Yeah, it sucks that they ended up acting out the right person, wrong time trope.
by mlksm May 12, 2021
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A: Did you hear that Jentzen and Elliana got back together?
B: Yes! They are 100% the definition of the right person, wrong time.
by frostedcupcake December 31, 2022
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Jack: "Did you see David and Liza broke up?"
Sam: "Yeah, must've been the right person wrong time."
by Gmuffin December 9, 2020
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