someone who wont engage in sexual activities or someone no one wants to engage with
she wont have sex with me, wat a prude

god no guy wants to hook up with me. Im such a fuckin prude.
by bakerrrrrr October 6, 2009
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Something my dad called me when I told him I wasn't going to kiss my boyfriend for a while becuase it didn't feel right. I mean WTF? You're my freaking dad. If anything you should be happy.
Tom: Rachel is SUCH a prude. I mean she wont even kiss me and it's been one whole hour! How dare she respect herself like that.

Jason: Yeah man, what's with women and respect these days? Who needs respect?

Tom: Totally, I mean it's always way more fun to sleep with everyone you meet as soon as you meet them and get STD's :D
by Bobthebuilderistotalycool January 8, 2011
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Someone who respects and cares about their own body and doesn't involve themselves around any sexual activity such as sex or anything related to that. They are people who want to save themselves for someone they truly care about but who are also scared of revealing themselves because they see a negative image of themselves. These are people that don't want to get a bad name spot risk the chance of pregnancy or diseases at a young age and boys call them prudes to try to force them into something they don't want to do. This is someone that wants to wait for the right person since you only loose your virginity once
Boy: Urgh you don't do anything!! Your such a prude
Girl:I'm waiting for someone who deserves me
Boy: b u know I love u
Girl: until I have a ring on my finger he answers no,I'm not just gonna throw away my body like that
by katherine patnode March 26, 2015
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a person who is or claims to be shocked of matters relating to sex and nudity.
"I showed Helen a picture of my dick today and she screamed"

"Wow, what a prude"
by lovewithsky June 3, 2009
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1. A person that won't do anything sexual with someone of the opposite attraction due to high standards or personal values, usually a derogatory term.
2. A person that is unsuccessful with someone of the opposite attraction, also derogatory.
1. She said she wouldn't give me head cause it was demeaning to women. What a prude!
2. Look at what a prude he is! He couldn't even get a whore in bed!
by Guiseppesmurf July 11, 2008
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Pronunciation | prood

1. Yet another slur directed mostly towards women that complains about how often she does or does not have sex.
Man A: Did you hear Jennifer had sex with Steve after the party? What a slut!
Man B: For real man? And I wasted my whole night with that prude Amanda who wouldn’t even give me handy?!
by clevername August 11, 2018
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a girl/guy who finds sexual activities such as sex, grinding, kissing, lap dancing and other type of sexual activities gross, immoral, shameful, or just plain out weird. They also think that anyone that does this stuff is a skank, whore, slut, or prostitute
Jon: Amanda your so prude.

Amanda: I'm not prude!

Stranger Girl: hey baby i missed you

Stranger Boy: i missed you too

*stranger girl gives stranger boy a blowjob in the middle of the park*

Amanda: OMG that is so disgusting! shes in 8th grade!
shes such a whore!

Jon: hey will you do me after?

Stranger Girl: sure, your so hot i won't even charge you =

Jon: Victory!!!

Amanda: OMG! im gettin outta here
by purtyravegirl June 14, 2008
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