brand new is an amazing indie like band

the morrisey/the smiths looooove child
'so to speak' jesse lacey
is an amazing lead singer/ songwriter i personally have drawn inspiration to become a lead singer from him
and thats were my band started
im giving my highest recomendations to this band
pick up the cd 'your favorite weapon' first though because well it will start things out
then get 'deja entendu' its more experimental/ amazing
brand new>living
brand new>breathing
brand new>trashy punkpop crap
brand new>saltine crackers?
by t-radical squared May 11, 2005
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A request or demand (depending on the tennor of the voice of the requestee), in which one party requests that another goes to the fridge and grabs him or her a new beer.

Note: When a brand-new is requested, it is uncouth to not comply with the request.
by mp2009 February 3, 2009
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A band originating from Merrick, New York (Long Island), forming around the early 2000s. They are often refered to as Br& New. Brand New has released three offical CDs. In chronological order: Your Favorite Weapon (2002), Deja Entendu (2003), The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me (2006).

Their only single from Your Favorite Weapon was "Jude Law and a Semester Abroad," which if you pick up a copy (I don't know how long the album's done this) and put it in your hard drive, you can watch the "Jude Law" video.
Deja Entendu (French for 'already heard') however, released three singles: "The Quiet Things that No One Ever Knows", "Sic Transit Gloria... Glory Fades" and "I Will Play My Game Beneath the Spin Light"
The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me has released two singles (so far. And I hope there are more to come!), "Sowing Season (Yeah)" and "Jesus"

Brand New is made up of: Jesse Lacey (vox/lyricist/guitar), Vincent Accardi (guitar/backup vox/piano), Brian Lane (drums), Derrick Sherman (guitar/piano).
Personally, I find Br& New to be one of the most talented bands you will ever come across and I honestly adore the living shit out of them. :)
I recommend you to go pick up all three albums and listen to them in chronological order, for between each album, Brand New grows an insane ammount and they sound like a brand new band (no pun intended) on every album.
With Brand New, you can't go wrong.
by fightoffyourdemons July 6, 2007
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Brand New, best known for their singles "The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows," and "Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades," is a very highly-reviewed band, with their latest album "Deja Entendu" being listed in the NY Times' 50 Greatest Albums of 2003. While they have been out of the mainstream for quite some time, they still have a large fanbase, and their third album, coming out October 2006, is anxiously awaited by many people. The members of Brand New are Jesse Lacey, Garrett Teirney, Vin Accardi, and Brian Lane, all of which have many fansites deidicated to them. Although many people would disagree with this, Brand New is NOT an emo band. They write songs about things actually occuring, and in person they are very nice and cheerful guys.
Fan: Oh man, I went to a Brand New show last night, it was AMAZING.
Fan: How?
Loser: uhmm... well... EMO!
by Connnuhr August 16, 2006
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An awesome band!

Some lyrics from Seventy Times 7 (written about the guy from taking back sunday, jesse's ex best friend):
Is this what you call tact?
You're as subtle as the brick in the small of my back
So let's end this call
And end this conversation

Is that ehat you call a getaway?
Tell me what you got away with
Coz you left the frays on the ties you severed
When you say best friends it means friends forever

Is that what you call a getaway?
Tell what you got away with
Coz I've seen more spine on jellyfish
I've seen more guts on 11 year old kids

Have another drink and drive yourself home
I hope there's ice on all the roads
And you can think of me when you forget your seatbelt
And again when your head goes through the windshield
by brandnewcrazy June 2, 2004
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