pronoun; used to sum up a thought. also used if you cannot think of what else to say. Should not be used in a sentence,it should just be used at the end of a thought. May be used to "break the ice" and to start a conversation.

"hey, i like that trapper keeper, it looks good... nerge."
by Agnus Milner November 11, 2006
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A word for when your parents are around and hate swearing
Person 1: *Hits his head*
Person 1: "NERG!!"
by YAHYEET1569 July 28, 2018
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To be used when there is nothing better to say, or you want to say something quirky.
by SkuM001 October 11, 2003
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short for the arabic word "nerghile" which is a middle-eastern water pipe used to smoke flavored tobacco out of.
Eddie: Pass the fuckin nerg genj you've had it for an hour.
Vicken: Relax, Rob and Big is on. I like this show.
John: Oh shit its milkyy.
Allen: Suck me off.
Eddie: Fuck this im goin out for a stoge.
Vicken: Oh mannnnn, i smoked a pack today, but i'll go for another smoke genj, im depressed.
by BigCheifKareem November 17, 2008
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a word that expresses frustration, like a sigh.
Bob: Hey, your goldfish died.
Jack: What? nerg...
by Museix March 7, 2011
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n. The action of gently nudging the car inch by inch at a traffic light to get slightly closer to the line, without breaking the law and crossing over. Most fun to do when your co-worker is in the car drinking a full cup of hot coffee.
Person #1: Would you stop nerging the car up to the stoplight, I am trying to drink my coffee!

Person #2: Sorry man! My foot just slipped *evil grin*
by violaman December 2, 2012
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Nerg is an acronym for-- Not Even Really Good

Man, these kids suck, they are straight nergs

wow, your nerg at this game
by Mark Krueger March 11, 2008
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