
An FDA approved drug for people of all ages. Myspace is usually popular with the scenesters that have choppy black and blonde hair with the caption ''Boo hoo my sad face'' under the pic. Many times a week Spongebob Squarepants or Ned Flanders will make a profile and people will often believe that these are real people. Are you stupid? They are cartoons run by role players that have no life. And then there are the 10-16 year old girls with thier underdeveloped tits everywhere ''LYKE OMFG I HAVE A DILDO IN MY MOUTH HOW FUCKING COOL AM I?'' Your not. It just proves to us that your a whore. ''LYK OMG ME AND DANIELLE HAVE WINE COOLERES ARE WE COOL?'' No and the only people who think your ''hawt'' are people that were forced to comment your pics because you sent 15,000 bulletins saying so or that ''George'' kid who claims to be 17 but is really 47. Also the site is run by a guy who doesn't know shit about web development. ''Sorry an error had occurred'' ''Bulletins are off the line''Most people have crappy MNyspace songs. Often you'll hear a Hilary Duff or an Ashley Parker Angel song that will make anyone's ears bleed. Point is delete your Myspace and you'll get 15% of your dignity back
myspace a place for scenewhores,pedophiles,crappy web developing, and underdeveloped tits P.S. A 13-year old girl wrote this
by anononononomous July 25, 2006
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a website which one creates a personal page and links amongst others who have also created a page. such pages displays personal info, pictures, blogs, and comments of what others have to say about them. very popular within teens/young adults in high school,early college.
1.(asking)"omg! you have a myspace! can i add you!"
2.(comment for pic)"your pic looks so hot!"
3.(comment for buddy)"do i know you? oh well thanks for the add =)"
by ron April 11, 2005
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The place where you can make friend's with your favourite bands.

Or a pervert's playground.
by Lolz. March 31, 2005
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biggest,most useless and annoying waste of space and time EVER!!

the worst thing to happen to the internet since Napster...a site where losers post pics taken in their bathrooms and share their personal information with the entire world and where people constantly whore their asses off online just to 'get a comment'

who gives a fuck if you have 21,000 friends on myspace, if you end up broke and homeless...ZERO of those 'friends' will show up and aid you
chicks at school: OMGzZ!!1 i am soooooo mad at chad because he didnt read my comment on Myspace!!

me: shut the fuck up with that myspace shit already! you artifical,materialistic cock master whores

chicks at school: ur just mad because you dont have friends on myspace LOLZ

me: yeah?? well at least i have 2 REAL FRIENDS who are there for me whenever i need them....
by tha truth teller August 7, 2006
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A webshite that all emo/scene kids use to add anyone that has had their ever-so-brief acknowledgement over the past few years. Music that's favoured by mySpace whores and what-have-you include Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Aiden, Green Day, and any band that Kerrang! is obsessed with covering these days. Other popular activities include friend competitions (in which users go at it to see who has most friends) and tacky colour schemes (most pages involve black in one way or another. Used by goths).

myspace users are also keen "leeters".

A word of advice - if you want to keep your dignity, don't go to mySpace!!
myspace user names often include the words "goth" and "chick" and anything similar.

user1: OMFG!! I have my 200th friend!! Only took about 5 minutes !!!!111!!!one!!roxXor!!
user2: whateva I have 1000 friends I pwn jOO!!
user1: u a fan of my chemical romance
user2: yes
user1: cool wanna be my friend?
user2: yes
user1: I roxXor!!

(That was but a taste of myspace. Just so you know, I can't be held responsible for any haemorraging you may have got from all those exclamation marks. Blame the illiterate emo kids on myspace.)
by Terro Rizer June 19, 2006
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The decrepit and long forgotten great great great grandparent of social-networking. Not dissimilar to a fossil or the jar of pickles deposited and then untouched at the back of your fridge, myspace was the binary coded brothel and emo scene of the internet. After losing popularity, myspace is now an unspoken corpse; equivalent to Lord of the ring's Gollum in his cave without the literary value.
A: Do you have myspace?
B: lol
A: lol
by c0ck_c0ck November 28, 2015
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This is the newest religion out there. Where people attend services every 5 seconds or so.
What religion are you? Im a myspacer.
by fdsljgjsdlfjfdl February 4, 2006
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