Indie is you, your innate nature and personality, without the corruption of the world. It is not getting influenced by anyone around you and not caring about what other people's impressions are of you. Indie is originality.

Indie is what God made you to be, right from the beginning of time.
animals are indie
by wurfthesave February 18, 2012
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Not a very noble pursuit at all; living every breathing moment to go against the "mainstream." The major flaw in this logic is that in trying so hard to go against the mainstream, indie kids act according to what everyone else is doing. Your not very hip when everything you do results in stooping to the level of the so-called mainstream that you feel so superior to.
Indie Kid: "My music is better than yours, I make my own clothing, I'm a spiteful little bitch, and other such bullshit..."
by jack the racist December 20, 2006
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The popular new buzzword describing slightly off-beat music and movies that cost less than 4 million dollars (but generally more than 1) to make regardless of whether or not the album or film in question is independent of anything. See also Alternative.
And idiot would consider the films Garden State, Adaptation, or Sideways to be "indie." That idiot might also stupidly assume The Killers, Radiohead, or The Pixies to be "indie."
by Joey Ratz May 18, 2005
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bands-q and not u,ratatat, stills, explosions in the sky, les savy fav, pavement,broken social scene

stands for independent, accociated with the scene which is a bunch of people who think they are cooler than one another. either a type of music or a type of label given to a person. Indie people never call themeselves indie or there not indie, there posers even though everyone already is one besides the first person who listened to an indie band which is usally there mom. yes the bands mom is more indie then you, im sorry.
"im so much more indie than you,
i listen to the shins"
"you mean after garden state?"
"well i listen to the strokes"
"you mean after mtv?"
"well i dress in 80's clothes, have myspace and where tons of eyeliner"
by Jon AIM: victoryatsea0 March 14, 2005
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1.Someone who is mainly hipster and slightly scene they ussually have a love for 60's garage ie.
-Flamin Groovies
Then they love 70's Mod/Punk
-The Jam
-The Clash
-The Sex Pistols
-The Damned
-The Small faces
80's Punky disco and hardcore punk:
-Big audio dynamite
-Joy division
-Gang of four
-minor threat
-Black Flag
and they love nirvana and the pixies and alot of comtmpory and weird obscure stuff
they all
-they wear stripey tops,sweaters,naff shades,bum gloves,drain pipes,cords and retro shiz,scarves,buffs,chucks,vans and love coffee shops
they also love arty films,art,books,obscurity and strange out of the ordinary stuff
look at
bloc party
young knives

art brut
by matt100matt March 17, 2006
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Short for independent.
Thanks to social norms and media, indie is overlooked from what it stands for.
indie boy: Hey, check me out cool eh?
me: Err..scarves,vintage tees,shades and polaroids your idea of indie?
indie boy: Yea its hip right?
me: right......

by Guy with DID August 5, 2008
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Indie is a genre that allows people to pick u a cheap guitar, sing/talk in a nasal manor. In Britain it is popular to do this with a thick colloquial accent such as Cockney or Geordie. Indie is about being different, only in the same way as everyone else who is indie. Indies, as indie lovers are known, pride them selves on their openness to “new” music, so long as it sounds like The Clash or has a synthesiser badly played in an annoying 80’s manor all the way through it. The fast guitar solo was outlawed in indie in 1989. You can only be an indie guitarist if you have a tinny nasty guitar tone and play slightly out of sync with your drummer. Indie bassist died out in 1987 and so they are left with a computer putting in 1/8th note repetitions.
Indie fashion: It is Topman fashion that isn’t purchased from Topman or other such high street chains. Charity shop clothes are preferred however if you spent £70 on a pair of 1965 socks from Christies auction house that’s ok too.
In the indie world or the uk, NME tell you which bands to like and dislike, strict adherence to this is strongly recomended otherwise you may be seen to be disturbing the independance of indie
Pete Doherty is the king of indie.
the Axel Rose of Indie
Famed for not turning up at gigs, or when turning up being off his face. Fans love him for "the intimacy of the gig" (meaning only 5 fans turn up and the rest of band get pissed off and leave) and "the pain of his story" lets all turn up and feel sorry for a guy will be joining the 27 club.
Also famed for breaking into a bandmates house, stealing and selling his guitars for heroin.
Kate Moss and Pete Doherty king and queen of cool in theindie world! or so say NME
by pappydu October 11, 2005
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