It is short for Head-up display and is prominent in novels that feature LitRPG or game like elements.

May also be termed as System HUD. It will most commonly display elements such as a Health, Mana, Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, Skills, Levels, Name and Race and quantify them. May also offer a short description of each when prompted by a competent User through verbal, physical or mental means.

Usually in a blue color and notifies the User of any new changes such as creatures killed, level ups or special achievements.
Joe-"Dang this System HUD sucks, and I could have designed a better one! One that quantified my health and mana would have been great."
by J.I.M.S April 9, 2019
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An acronym meaning "hope you die." Frequently used (sometimes in jest) by internet poker players.
O rly you voted for McCain? hud.
by Michael Gagliano March 29, 2010
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The word stands for the Department of Housing and Urban Development. A place where supers can go to get crappy supplies for their project.
I went down to hud cause somebody broke down the front door. They gave me some ceran wrap.
by Kirby Peawauket November 15, 2004
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HUD is an abbreviation for Huddersfield which is a large town in West Yorkshire.
James: "Where you from?"

Steve: "I'm from HUD."
by Gang* June 12, 2008
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To blag, or waffle, until everyone is a little bored and just wants to change the subject as you've talked for so long.
"oh man, I totally hudded it in that meeting... not sure how I got away with it"
by Hudder September 10, 2012
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Referring to a large piece of dung or poop.
That car is a piece of hud.
by Sam Penrod October 3, 2003
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a real nice guy with amazing fashion sense who is really good and kind friend who might still be in the closet has secret obsession with crabs and cute travel and tourism sirs loves facebook mom angles extroverted and has a good sense off humour has a basic white girl as an alter ego loves reading has great taste in books has lovers in japan as soundtrack for his life gets superiority complexes at 3am and emma chamberlaine always on his youtube recommended
boy: is this Hud

random person: noon thee dhoonyeh
by ahahahahhano November 22, 2021
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