Damn Lauryn’s parents don’t want her to come home because of what a hoebag she is
by Cblack18 April 18, 2019
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A relativily nasty name to call someone usually it is told to smoenone who has a rep of being a hoe, someone that is a hoe that You can wrap up in a bag.
Jenny is such a Hoebag.

Me and casey kid around by calling ourselves hoebags.

I wanna get into that hoebag.

by spazzinator 2.0 September 20, 2007
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The same thing as a hoe, slut, whore etc. Can be abbreviated by "bag" or "bag of hoes". I made up this word so STOP TRYING TO PULL IT OFF AS YOUR OWN!(ASHLEY'S WORD!)
You are such a hoebag because your eyes are like lemons!
by #1 Hoebag June 29, 2004
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Playing a video game with no object or idea how the game is played. Shooting other players at random, causing a general mess of things.
That bitch was hoebaging our raid last night.
by 6degrees August 6, 2007
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A female version of a douchebag. Normaly a bandslut.
Guy 1: Is that Demi Lavato?
Guy 2: That hoebag!
Guy 1: Eww!
by Sydney and Kacey August 11, 2010
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A hoebag is a misunderstood word, that actually means nothing bad and is said with love. It means you are an idiot, or a stupid hoe.
by dyalnnn January 3, 2018
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