Another word for kid: feels awkward sometimes.
grandma "Hello baby child"
kid "Um" *awkward* "Hi grandma"
by Beauti Kat February 29, 2016
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A vampire's creation of another vampire is it's childe.
The word is taken from the word of the same spelling meaning a child of nobel birth.
A vampire's creator is a sire
by Kaarin August 11, 2006
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There are multiple types of children, so i'll list them here:

Gamer: The 8-12 year old that you see on popular violent games, and the ones that you hear screeching swear words they don't even know down their microphone at you or the team you're in. They tend to be the most obnoxious, dumbest and unskilled players you'd probably ever see on a server. Way too spoiled by their parents, and progress to be basement dwellers or tesco cashiers.

Innocent: The innocent is usually 3-10 and usually very cute, as they have not yet discovered the real world. People are drawn to innocent children as they remind them of a time long forgotten - when it was okay to be happy. Could either be smart or dumb, but both are cute, and both babble nonsensical bullshit that adults laugh at.

Broken: A broken child is the polar opposite of an innocent child. ages 3-12, were the spawn of really shitty alcoholic parents who probably neglect them, and therefore, they become total maniacs and do stupid shit, and long story short, end up in prison.

Children are the result of parenting, so if you got one, you better take good fucking care of them, because they are our future.
Gamer: Your a fag go eat shit dick
Me: Can you stop you stupid child? your hurting my ears, and my k/d ratio with your crappy skills.
Gamer: Fuck off rapist!

Innocent: Whoa is that a train? lets go on it dad! please it looks so cool!
Father, smiling: Not today buddy, not today. *under his breath* thats for when you're older and gotta use it to go to slave labour

inmate: So how did you get here?
broken: My dad starved me so i took my anger out on a cop
by Djchu December 17, 2018
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I think you are looking for children,arent you?
Wife:I have many childs!
Husband:its "children,dear."
Wife:No its not you fucktard!
by Someone who isnt really here February 23, 2005
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A term of endearment used by blacks who speak Ebonics or Blackanese.
by Kid Billy January 31, 2004
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What you all are. You're immature, you're swearing. Urban Dictionary may define your world, but you're gone too far! Read what to do when you publish. Now go be mature.
by Sean Ryan February 20, 2006
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