Something that isn't illegal to do, but you shouldn't due it even if it's legal. Breaking an unwritten law often causes confusion, chaos, and/or misunderstanding.
If you park next to a vehicle of the same color and make of yours, you're breaking an unwritten law.
by Carrera's Wedge June 26, 2007
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A rule, usually concerning social behavior, which is known by all but spoken by none. This rule is neither official nor written down. It just is.
Examples of what an Unwritten Rule is:
You do not sit next to strangers on busses/trains even if it is full - you stand.
You do not stare at people in public.
You do not tell a girl she is fat, even if she is.
You never pass a cop even if he is doing 10 under.
You do not swear in the presence of a lady.
You do not initiate unwelcomed small talk with who you are sitting next to on a plane.
You take your hat off during the national anthem.
by TTM January 8, 2006
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Unwritten Law is one of the best bands out there

Unwritten Law are one of the few non-label whore bands
by Jake December 19, 2003
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Unwritten Law aka UL is the best band that has ever came out to the music scene. They talk about life and don't exagerate, they tell facts and real life. They don't talk about sex and being rich and a playa like every other band on the music scene.
Jill-- "Unwritten Law talks about things I can relate to."
Bob-- "Yeah, they do, I respect their honesty and good rhythym."
by sour April 20, 2005
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(n.) An imagined book about hitchiking. The first rule is to carry out the incentive to give head.
Here's a line, and on this side of it we ain't gay.
by Gumba Gumba May 30, 2004
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The rule that a man must warn a woman when he is about to ejaculate during a blowjob, so the woman has proper time to get away from the ensuing explosion of man juices. Many men do not follow this rule, prefering to make their partners suffer the onslaught of being choked by their thick, ejaculatory fluids. A common misconception is that the majority of women enjoy being drowned in semen. Although some actually do, many do not, and instead will either allow the fluids to be released on their faces, or they will revert to the handjob position and finish the job in a more comfortable, safe area.
"Everytime Jane gives me a blowjob, she reminds me kindly of the unwritten blowjob rule and then proceeds to get a safe distance away from my cumshot. Sometimes when I am lucky, she lets the cumshot hit her in her face."
by rawevillivewar August 31, 2006
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one of the few emo bands that doesn't go for the whole emo craze, even though the emo craze thats brain-washing everyone with a brain isn't at all a bad thing!
o and this is comin from an "emo girl" apparently...
Guy 1:Hey wat band do you slit ur wrists to?
Guy 2:Me? None i like emo music, like Unwritten Law but im not in to all this emo poses!
by bEtHs ToXiC kIsSeS September 25, 2006
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