What most parents give way too much of a fuck about even though they do it themselves.
*example of swearing*
Me: "Fuck!"
dad: "Watch your mouth, I don't want you using that word in my house.
Me: "Dad you say it too, don't act like you don't."
dad: "I'd never say that word" (drops mug and breaks it) "Fuck!"
by Dubiks December 10, 2018
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Commonly used when agreeing or when pleased with something
Person 1: you are dumbugly
Person2:no I’m not
Person3:swear you are
by YUN Thomas March 14, 2018
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What sailors do.
He's swearing like a sailor.
by Jsummers33 December 19, 2016
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Something adults say all the time, but all hell breaks loose when kids do it. An example of acceptable hypocrisy.
Adult: Hey guys, this is fucking good!
Kid: Yeah I love it, this is the shit!

Adult: Language kid!!!
Kid: But you guys swear all the time. For fucks sake Swearing is not the end of the world!
by Chalko3 January 9, 2021
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When someone doesn't believe what you just said. Sort of like "No way!"
Math teacher: "You can use any notes you take in this class on the test."
Student: "Swear!"
by daphoneplayer September 9, 2018
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The process in which an individual becomes fluent in a tabooed part of the English language (around middle school) to such an extent that they are able to fabricate prose of such animosity that it would make your Language Arts teachers tits fall off.
6th Grade: Go to hell son.
(manifestation of swearing occurs)
High School: Shut the fuck up you kinky, funky ass bitch you are a fucking fuck i'll fuck the shit out yo nigga nigga please i best fuck yo coon ass spic ass sandy nigga ass while i give you a fuckin screaming seagle
by WillDaBeast:) November 17, 2011
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