Thank You for those bored with the stereotypical abreviation thnx or ty, or tnx. A non carbon copy word that is actually interesting.
hey i submitted it to urban dictionary.. shmanks
by i finally got a name March 1, 2010
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To wipe your hands under your crotch and sweaty testicles, then slap someone. Usually an alternate way to t-bag someone.
Jimmy shmanked me yesterday, that shit was disgusting!
by zanq May 21, 2010
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A person who is very chill and just wants to vibe
Shmank is always really chill
by Shmankster April 8, 2020
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A way of saying thanks. A mix between shank and thanks and man, instead of saying thanks man. or tanks.
"I love you shoes! Where did you get them?"
"Shmanks. My grandmother made them from cowdung."
by imjusthangingout November 2, 2009
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a beautiful, caring girl who is hilarious, yet also very violent
Everyone loves hanging out with Shmank because she always keeps us laughing.
by reddie17 September 21, 2011
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to slap with something bad, esp. a bad grade in school
My physics teacher shmanked me with an awful grade on my final exam!

My brother is gonna shmank me with a wet fish when he finds out what I did to his new car.
by ceililover January 11, 2003
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A website dedicated to brining the best in local deals whilst giving back to the community. Shmanks is brining business and community together in a new and worthwhile way. It's more than a deal site, it's a 'Great Deal More'.

It's name derives form the word 'Thanks' or "Thank you" and aims to thank it's customers and business by giving back to a Charity or Cause.
'Shmanks for your support'
'Shmanking great idea!'
by Shmanks February 5, 2012
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