3 definitions by Shmanks

A website dedicated to brining the best in local deals whilst giving back to the community. Shmanks is brining business and community together in a new and worthwhile way. It's more than a deal site, it's a 'Great Deal More'.

It's name derives form the word 'Thanks' or "Thank you" and aims to thank it's customers and business by giving back to a Charity or Cause.
'Shmanks for your support'
'Shmanking great idea!'
by Shmanks February 5, 2012
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Nygle; the bump in your jeans that often appears to be your package> its really just the bump in the fly
dude your bonor is so noticable
naaa thats my nygle
by Shmanks March 6, 2005
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the bump made in the zipper area of your pants when you are sitting
Whoa dude, what's that bump in your pants? Dude, thats my nygle. OR These pants give me a pretty big nygle.
by Shmanks March 13, 2005
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