Adjective used to describe a person who is morbidly or fatally obese, see also Grobese
Eat any more pie and you'll move from grobese to morbese
by Flabbadoogle April 3, 2005
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A conjunction of the word "morbid" with the word "obese." Used to refer to a massively overweight person.
"Did you see that morbese guy on the train there?"
by Cer October 21, 2006
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An amalgamation of the words morbid and obese. Meaning to be so overweight that simple everyday tasks, i.e.- walking or getting out of bed, become impossible.

Being so fat that others are disgusted by the mere thought of you.

Also see Morbidly Obese.
Most Americans are considered morbese.

"Dude, James is a biscuit away from weighing 500 pounds. I never realized how morbese he was."

"I can't believe of morbese Jane is. It makes me want to vomit every time I see her. It is seriously disgusting."
by Deegs April 18, 2008
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A person who likes Morbius (they are obese)
"Yo, you seen Joe? he's such a Morbese.
by ChuddieSucker March 10, 2023
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when you're so obese it burns too many calories to say the words morbidly obese so you just combine them
*heavy breathing* i'm so morbese ive had type *more heavy breathing* 2 diabetes since my existence.
by SquitartedSyd March 10, 2020
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