Kina has talent!💖She is wise!💖She isn’t afraid to speak what’s on her mind!💖She isn’t afraid to tell what she has done!💖She can be rude!💖She show nothing but love!💖She is cute!💖She know how to play a game in a heart beat!💖A girl is always hating on her NO MATTER WHAT!💖The only time she will play you is when you play her!💖Get you a Kina😍She is OneOfAKind!❤️
Kina is very beautiful!😍
by Tank_Kevon March 21, 2018
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1) The coolest person you will ever meet on earth. Alas, there is only one, so if you find Kina, NEVER LET HER GO!

2) See heaven or nirvana
"i see the light! i see the light!"
"dude, i think you've found kina..."
by Kina The Great January 18, 2008
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A Kina is a person who is very smart and logical. Aside from being smart, she is also a compassionate and uniquely beautiful in her own way. She may be a bit pessimistic, but that’s only because she’s realistic. A Kina is a person who’s an overall good friend and an amazing person. She’s ambitious and determined. It’s because of these traits that make her the type of person you want to be around.
Her personality totally makes her a Kina.
by blacklikemycoffee March 21, 2018
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A Kina is a style of haircut where your shave all your hair off just too the stubble.
It is popular among the youth who like to meme the hairstyle
Yo have you seen Jacks new Kina
by ColeBurgerBro April 8, 2019
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The most amazing person you will ever meet. She will brighten your day with her beautiful aura and breathtaking smile. She has gorgeous locks that frame her face perfectly. Her laugh may scare you but don't let turn you away as she is one of the most loyal, generous, beautiful, intelligent, funny girls you will ever meet and you will be blessed to be in her presence.

ps do u wanna fight m8
pps owen stinks
ppps bssmr = bunnings snag suck ma rag
pppps vote me as ur president i will make america gr8 again

yeet- im a little aussie legend
I love Kinae so much, she makes me so happy. I hope Zion Kuwonu loves her as much as I do.
by panini xoxo gossip girl March 27, 2018
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1.(informal) A shortened word combined from the words kind and of. Used mostly commonly when referring to a feeling or idea.

2.(proper noun) An exotic female name.
1. I'm feeling kina hungry; I'd do it if it was kina safer.

2. Look at Kina, i'd hit that.
by Sk8rJoE May 2, 2006
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