a hot carl definitely entails shitting in a tube sock, then foxtailing that shit straight to someone's face, upon which you scream 'hot carl!'...sound effects are a plus
Jeremy was being a huge tool, so I decided to lay down the law and hot carl his ass. I put that fag in his place.
by Governor December 12, 2006
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This is a simple maneuver where you withdraw your shaft from the bowels of her anus and place it directly into her mouth for a cleaning. Apparently some guy named Carl first tried this.
Ted:I could never do anal sex with tammy my pen15 would be all covered with shit.
Ned:Thats why you give her a hot carl plus it saves you time,water,and soap.
by SIR DIRTY SANCHEZ March 1, 2005
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to shit into a sock and hit slap a chick in the face with the sock.
cynthia's face was bruised from the powerful hot carl she received the other night.
by schultz April 8, 2005
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A hot carl is a sexual activity when a person takes a dump, drops a bomb, a dook, grows a tail, or shits on a person or persons' face. You can use seran wrap for better clean up, but going old school and not using the wrap will give you a "hot steaming carl".
I picked up a smelly pirate hooker last night and I would have paid $100 for a Hot Carl, but I didn't bring the seran wrap.
by Big Miami Al February 10, 2007
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When your roommate passes out and then you take a large creamy shit in their mouth.
Jason passed out from a long night of drinking, then Lisa, J-Rod, Mike Lin, and I all took a sweet Hot-Carl in his mouth.
by J-Rod Marks September 29, 2005
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The act of shitting in a tube sock, then placing said sock in a microwave. After the poop is nice and liquified, then a hole is cut in the sock. Then you smack someone across the face.
Person 1:Did you see me give that guy a hot carl?

Person 2: Yea, he had so much shit all over his face, it was gross.
by HotCarler24 April 6, 2011
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When you take a shit in a tube sock and smack someone in the face with it.
No one ever really liked john, so one day we just decided to hot carl him.
by coarfest September 5, 2006
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