An Oklahoman who plays guitar so fast, that it can only be likened to a Verdi opera: 3 hours of music, some of beautiful and ennobling themes, at times piquant and subtle, other times dramatic and inspiring. Take those three hours of music, those thousands of musical notes, and compress them into 4 measures of incomprehensible speed, delivered with earth-shaking finesse and a raucous disregard for any physiological limit to human auditory perception. A person that plays guitar so fast that your face will melt.
The last girlfriend I had was dearer to me than anything that doesn't have steel strings and pickups. It's with a heavy heart that I must confess that she met a tragic demise. I sat her down to perform for her, as she had never heard me play. Being the flash that I am, within mere seconds of the furious and almost satanically fast deluge of musical notes, she burst into flames and was reduced to a smoldering pile of ash.
by The Fieg February 5, 2010
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British slang for fancy or expensive-looking.
"That's a flash fawney ya got mate. It'd be a shame if I ha' tae break yer finger af tae get it."
by MAC-Gyver May 27, 2003
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(Verb) Meaning your going to attack a certain person or thing.
Aye, im about to flash on this kid.
by 0din November 9, 2003
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The most overpowered summoner spell in League of Legends. Allows your champion to instantly blink in a near target location. Can be used to reposition in a way such as chasing, running away, stealing, outplaying, insecing, kiting, faking people out etc. Can be used over walls.
I was about to get away with low hp but the Garen used Flash and ulted me.
by Broken Grasshopper June 18, 2018
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A slang word that does not have a specific meaning, but always makes sense when used.
"Hey I'll flash you up later"
"That sports center highlight was so flash"
by flash anonymous December 23, 2013
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Putting a sparkler up someone's ass before performing anal sex.
Gary burned his dick while flashing Tom.
by dingus_brody August 12, 2011
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French Canadian version of "bling bling!" A noun, used often in terrible French hip-hop that denotes valuable accoutrements, such as rims, or jewelry.
While pointing to one's rolex, rims, or splendid jewelry: "regarder the flash."
by Sad Scrotum November 18, 2003
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