Emily Dickinson was a poet aka a huge lesbian who was in love with Sue, who later married Emily's brother. Obsessed with death and not that mentally stable.
I think you're going insane...that's so Emily Dickinson like
by sonea_x3 March 12, 2022
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An excellent poet who wrote many meaningful poems.

Idiots who can not comprehend what she wrote usually harshly critisize her and her work.
Emily Dickinson - Easily one of the best poets to have lived.
by Ekig January 24, 2011
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a well known poet who wrote deep and meaningful poems. she lives throughout the 1800s and wrote many poems to her close friend (and possible love interest) susan gilbert dickinson, her main supporter during her time alive. one of her most known poems (and my favourite) is "Because I could not stop for Death".

Emily Dickinson's life and backstory was created into a modern show in 2019, where she struggled to fall in love with sue because of a love triangle between her, her brother, and sue.
p1: name a poet that you find notable.
p2: emily dickinson. her poems are so good and the show based off of her is even better.
by aaal4na January 15, 2022
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A woman notoriously known for wiping her vaginal excretions with notebook paper and then putting a numbered title on top of the page. Long after she died, feminists found her cunt rags, bound them together in several books, and announced that her putrid leaks were "poetry."
I recently read Sylvia Plath's "Belljar" but it was Emily Dickinsoned and smelled terrible.
by real_men_read_ginsberg February 6, 2010
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Some stupid cunt that wrote poetry and sucked it hard at life. She locked herself up in her damn house then worried her ass to death. Possibly committed suicide.
Emily Dickinson's poetry sucked just as bad as her dome.

Emily Dickinson's poetry reminds me of a 5th street whore, cheap, depressing, and repetitive.
by Price-Line-Negotiator April 3, 2008
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Who is that?

I mean...seriously, does this person exist? That ought to be nobody, right?

(For further reference watch Edgar Allan Poes Murder Mytery Invite Only Casual Dinner Party/Gala For Friends Potluck)
-I thought someone knocked.
-Oh, I did. I knocked.
-I'm sorry. Who are you?
-Emily Dickinson? I stay in my room a lot.
by juusti November 4, 2017
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Another way to say something is Punk.
Eric: Yeah, going with cody to see Crass in march..cant wait.

Scott: idk man..id go but that too hardcore for me.

Ryan: Wow...thats so emily dickinson.

Danieljew: Wait what? i was too busy listening to deadmau5
by shecalledmepudd. January 17, 2011
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