"theres a construction sign ahead"
" this is gonna be a confucktion"
by fadedredwing May 14, 2009
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I was going to head to the supermarket, but there was an accident, and the highway was a confucktion.
by Little Bun May 3, 2022
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when something becomes so fucked up there is no possible solution; a pile up; a tangled mess; a gaggle-fuck; an impossible situation.
Lance's already shakey marriage became even more confuckted when his wife caught him in bed with her brother Bruce and the neighbor's cat.
by YoungZ July 11, 2006
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When a confusing situation is fucked up beyond belief.
The parking at the mall at Christmas time was a complete confucktion.
by Boogiemomm April 4, 2017
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When your GPS has a breakdown in it's functions and navigate you to a random address other than where you want to go.It always happen when you're late or already pissed off.
The word ConFuckTion comes from CONFUSED FUCKED UP NAVIGATION.
Boy I had another Satellite Confucktion and was late for my appointment.One more Satellite Confucktion and I swear I'm gonna toss this GPS out the window.
by meckox May 31, 2010
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When fucking a girl so hard she continuously hits her head on the headboard of the bed causing her to get a concussion
I had to take my girlfriend to the hospital because last night we fucked so hard I gave her a confucktion
by Simplebanana October 31, 2021
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