the meal that is suppose to be between 6 am and 12 pm. Anything after that is called brunch.
I got up real early so I could eat breakfast today.
by GG January 27, 2005
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1. inspiring the undeniably awesome feelings associated with the act of eating breakfast and/or breakfast food in general.
2. showing or characterized by awesomeness.
3. Slang . very impressive, worthy of great praise, bitchin'.
That camero is totally breakfast.

This is the most breakfast day I've had this week.

You are so breakfast. I think I'm falling for you.
by veeep April 20, 2010
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Guy1: "Hey man, how did it go with Jennifer last night?"
Guy2: "It was great! Also, this morning, we got some kinky breakfasting going before heading out. Bed was all kinds of sticky afterwards"
Guy1: "Dude, nice."
by OmegaVVeapon September 9, 2020
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fast and furious jamband from New Haven, CT known for playing extremely loud shows in tiny venues w/ as many notes crammed into each song as humanly possible.
The Breakfast kicked my ass last night, I never sweated so much in my life.
by Igzy May 16, 2006
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When Halle relates his experiences in Toni Morrison's "Beloved", about being in a prison in Alabama, he talks of how the guards would come up to the prisoners (who were on their knees) and say, "you want some breakfast nigger?" This insinuated that they wanted the prisoner to preform oral sex on them.
by alex conner January 17, 2004
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when your Asian friend bites your cat
Lou passed out on the couch,the cat snuggled with him and when he woke up he said "yum breakfast"
by im a real girl August 26, 2011
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Im gonna go have my breakfast
by Joe March 2, 2005
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