The act of transporting an object by the means of your rectum.
The Mexican on my flight tried to assport coke on to the flight, of course he got caught.
by VTPinky December 2, 2010
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That dude is an assport. A lot of guys go in and out.
by August 29, 2010
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1. Permission (actual or presumed) to have continued sexual intercourse over a prolonged period of time.
2. Permission (actual or presumed) to have continued anal intercourse over a prolonged period of time.
Bro 2: Yo, I noticed that you've been seeing Guadalupe a lot lately, bro.
Bro 1: Yo, she gave me an assport, bro.
Bro 2: I don't want to know which definition it is.
by dwaynetrobinson July 17, 2022
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Similar to a passport, except it’s a picture of your rectum.
I wanted to go visit my friend, but I was told that getting an assport is more simple than getting a passport.
by May 5, 2022
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