Idiotic, stupid. To act like a moron.

From the popular insult "to have your head up your ass". This imagry leads to ones ass being placed on the head like a hat, hence "asshat".
That asshat spilled soda all over my new shirt.
by deadzombie August 13, 2004
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One whose head is so far up their rear end it could pass for a hat; used to describe a person who is stubborn, cruel, or otherwise unpleasant to be around.
Leave 'em alone, asshat!
by Iceburg124 December 22, 2004
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A general term for someone who carries out actions with such stupidity that they might as well wear their ass as a hat.
Pete begins looking for his sunglasses, unknowing to the fact that they are on his head. He asks Ed where his glasses are. Ed takes them off his head saying, "You are such a fucking ass-hat."
by Danyill May 14, 2007
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someone who is a total freaking idiot. they have their head up their ass, therefore wearing it as a hat. hence, ass hat.
mom: pick up your shit off the floor.
jenn: fuck you ass hat, its not mine.
by jennnnnnnnnnnnn123 August 27, 2006
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when someone has clear and proven evidence against their point and yet refuses to accept the point being made against them. Thus the term someone who has their head up their ass.
evan: 2x2 is 5
sean: no its 4, i can prove it mathematically
evan: nope, its 5
sean: see, now your just being an ass-hat
by bh finest August 6, 2010
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ass hat a person with their head so far up their ass that they could wear it as a hat.
You sir are an asshat?!?!
by rachel January 2, 2005
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