The reason why the the pool is closed.
Habbo fag: Dude let me through!
anon: Pool's closed due to AIDS!
by Kaido January 9, 2008
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A disease, not a mental health problem, OK people?
That man does not have AIDS?
by Golferbc September 24, 2019
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a disease in which there is a severe loss of the body's cellular immunity, greatly lowering the resistance to infection and malignancy.
Elizabeth "Toby" De Santiago The 3rd gives me hella AIDS fam.
by ShinobiMane March 24, 2017
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AIDS = Acquired Internet Deficiency Syndrome

a disease of the internet characterized by increased susceptibility to opportunistic infections due to faulty anti-spyware and virus programs, resulting in an excruciatingly slow internet connection.
Bob: "Dude, wanna go play Kuma War?"

Chuck: "Ah, dude, I wish I could, but my computer got AIDS yesterday when McAfee went kaput."
by mariahneu April 20, 2009
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What people get when they eat gluten and they are gluten intolerant
Kai: I just ate pizza and now I have aquired an aids
by so, ostrichs December 17, 2018
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Oi i laid my girl last night and I got fuckin aids
by Jamiejsjsjsjjsjfjndjdjnd December 13, 2016
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