Dawg, we gotta go buy some wiggles so we can start thizzin.
by JK-47 April 15, 2007
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You know the wiggles, Marty,Jeff,uh yeah well a wiggle is some one gay like them.
by Peeboy June 27, 2003
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lets wiggle; wiggle wham wigga what?
by xyla February 26, 2005
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The spoken word while using a hand gesture.

The gesture being the wiggling of the fingers onto another persons wiggling fingers.

Usually used as a greeting or a goodbye.
"Hey man I'll catch you later...wiggles!"
by Ben Croucher January 30, 2006
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Internet forum user with nothing to do but up his post count with complete and utter shite posts.A poster who feels the need to reply to everything whether or not he actually needs to.
Said to be the new version of a Snock.
"At first i thought my question had been answered by a right snock but it was such irrelevant bullshit i figured it must have been a wiggles"
by A Baldie October 28, 2006
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When you've taken some good ecstasy and your eyes go all wiggly on you. Happens when you're peaking. Makes it really hard to read or write anything.
At that "Are You Experienced?" party by Children of the Sun, Bill got the eye wiggles for the first time when he tried to use a Sharpie to write his email address on a brightly colored flyer, to give to somebody. The combination of blacklight, fluorescent paper, and good e made it virtually impossible to do.
by JonnyR June 20, 2006
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