a person who is getting owned by another person alot in a multiplayer game such as call of duty or halo and the person getting owned is being a noob and saying you got a lucky kill.you then have the right to say get PWND!!!!
player 1: What are you five? that was the luckiest kill ever!!

player 2: dude go cry to your mommy and GET PWND!!!!!!
by bobie_1kanobie February 10, 2010
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Also seen as wflpwnd. (1)It is used to describe pwnage so severe that the person receiving the pwn now looks like a waffle.
(2)Major Pwnage in which person feels as if they have several indents in there body, like a waffle.
(1)As Timmy was playin COD4 he said "OMG noobzars, i am about bout to wflpwn you all!"

Proper way: I just Waffle Pwnd a bunch of nubs, on DotA!
by ShadowSoldier August 10, 2008
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when you get owned. (via tweet)
sheila: "your mom!"
marcela: "ouch! :/"
sheila: "haha. you just got twitter pwnd!"
by yearbookgurlz January 6, 2010
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A group of white guys who make good rap music.
Man: Ever hear of skr8 pwnd?

Other man: Nope.
by Bill Nye1234567890 January 3, 2009
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the term that describes what happens when a bear (of any type) PWNS you
Danny got B3@R PWND when he went hiking last week.
by B3@R_PWND January 19, 2009
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Similie; Derivitive of Pwnd. Used mainly in gaming circles in australia. Is used to exclaim the extreme pwnage of someone. Use can be traced back to the villification of a petciular member of an australian gaming forum known as "Slinkovic"
by eatyourpeas March 26, 2005
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