Robert Pant was the vocal of the greatest rock-band on earth, Led Zeppelin. He has a fantastic voice, and he still sings even he is 58. And he has long hir too!
"I am a golden god!" - Robert Plant
by Lena M July 2, 2005
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A trick in all freestyle sports such as skateboarding or snowboarding in which the athlete contacts the ground with his or her face. Term is derived from other tricks such as a foot plant or hand plant in that the trick involves placing a body part on the ground as part of the trick. Although wildly popular, the face plant is rarely performed on purpose.
Person 1: "Dude, that was the gnarliest face plant I've ever seen!"
Person 2: "I should go to the hospital."
by MTB man July 5, 2011
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pollen (typically used by hay fever sufferers)
I can't go out without taking some antihistamines -- the air's full of plant bukkake.
by Blurfan September 11, 2005
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: to masterbait
in arbor day 2015 the adult video website pornhub said they will plant a tree for every 100 views, thus the term "planting trees" arose.
person 1: trying to go out?
person 2: naw, imma chill ar home, planting trees, maybe two.
person 1: you're gross
by YourHighnessDavid May 3, 2014
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"oh jimmy ur leaves are so thicc. thats my plant kink"
by thiccsatan September 17, 2017
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1. God's gift to man.Brings peace when used wisely.

2. Any drug derived from plants.

3. Magical stuff that takes u to a state of euphoria (supreme bliss).
Chev Chelios: (Gets in the cab looking like a crackhead).

Crazy taxi driver: You are not gonna die in my cab crackhead ! I have something for you.You take this Haitian shit crackhead.This shit right here is some hardcore shit.It is made from plant shit !

Chev Chelios: (takes the drug and gets fucking high).

--Dialogue taken from the movie 'Crank' in 2006

~ Time is never wasted when youre wasted on plant shit all the time XD

~Life is a quest we must never quit but in turn enhance with the magic of plant shit.
by zingeraddict October 1, 2011
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