To Count coup is considered an act of bravery by North American Native Indians.

The ultimate Counting coup scenario, as told by Chief Plenty Coup: To be in declared war with another tribe and by genius stealth or of an outright brazen act to reach his enemy, a warrior had avoided death by flying arrows from afar, spears chucked while in close, even while in the death zone of the intended coup victim's now attacking and slashing knife. This is when the said warrior now slaps his knife wielding enemy on the face and then manages to flee unharmed. The red faced victim of Counted coup is now the embarrassment of his tribe.

To the Anglo-Saxon world an act of Counting coup would be considered an act of glory seeking stupidity. As an example: It would be like getting in a boxing match with Mike Tyson after having just slapped him up-side the face in the pre-bout introductions. On the other hand, if Mike Tyson wanted to even-up on the Counting coup score card, he would toy with this opponent until the last round, and then bite the ear off the side of the opponent's head five seconds before the end of the fight!
Ladies and Gentleman this is the finest Counting coup strategy and deployment I have ever seen! There is simply no recourse!
by gravy111 November 28, 2010
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When a bunch of disorganized goons flying Confederate flags try and overthrow the government by storming the Capitol.
1. Crap it looks like angry citizens are trying to overthrow the US government. sees Confederate flags and overweight guys in army fatigues Ah it's cool, just a coup d'twat

2. Did you see that attempted coup last night on CNN? Coup d'etat? More like Coup d'twat (zzzzing!)
by deathbymaumau January 7, 2021
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Fear of a real or imagined coup d’etat to such a degree that it causes madness.
Totally freaked out by the Impeachment inquiry initiated by the House, Donald Trump has gone completely Coup-koo.
by Semolina Pilchard October 11, 2019
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The car that most people mistake for as a Bentley. Little do they know that it is a non expensive Korean sports car. If you drive down the street with this car, you'll be turning heads and smoking ignorant ricers. Many people will go out of their way just to ask what model and make it is.
Guy 1: Daammnnn, what car is that?
Guy 2: It's a Hyundai Genesis Coupe.
Guy 1: Whaaat, really? I thought Hyundai's were shit.
by ArKane August 22, 2013
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A deranged, poorly-planned attempt to seize power; particularly if an election does not turn out in your favor.
Disgraced attorney Rudy Giuliani’s face became drenched in sweat and hair dye as he invented evidence of widespread voter fraud during President Trump’s clown coup.
by Peach_emoji December 13, 2020
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the machine gun shit you get after a night of drinking and eatint taco truck food, this shit is crucial...imagine a trumpet blowing out ground beef...the bang is definately bigger then the buck
Abdullah: Hey Sarah, whats crackin? why do you look tired so early in the morning?

Sarah: Dude, I was watchin the Cardinals game last night with the homies, we threw down hella beer and then got some mexican food from the TL...that shit did somethin funky to my stomach this ass took the 15th floor bathroom over this morning, it was like a coup d'etat...i went in there with a machine gun, and came out with no was modern warfare 2 in that motherfucker
by STREETLIGHTS February 26, 2010
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Modern derivations of "counting coup" include "chatty coup" in which the equivalent of touching and escaping unharmed is to engage your opponent in meaningless casual conversation, until they are helplessly trying unsuccessfully to extract themselves from the conversation, but are unable to do so.
I made the mistake of saying hello to Fred at the grocery store, he quickly had me in a chatty coup.
by Ear buster November 3, 2013
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