Any ink left on your hands from the bouncer after a night at the bar. Typically a stamp or sharpie.
Your hands are covered in bar scars!
by Chris Larson July 24, 2006
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Scar Symmetry is a band from Avesta, Sweden. They play progressive melodic death metal. Many people say they are similar to Soilwork. Oh come on.... well, ok, you could say they are similar to Soilwork but:

1) They haven't sold out.
2) Their lyrics are genius.
3) Their soloist Per Nilsson is Jesus himself.
4) Their songs don't sound the same, and they have no filler songs whatsoever.
5) Last, but not least, they DO change style, but don't ever sell out (this point is used by fans of sellout bands to defend these). They are the perfect demonstration on how to go more melodic and not to sell out at the same time - an attempt, at which both In Flames and Soilwork have failed miserably.

Scar Symmetry are the new generation of Melodeath. They have come from Avesta to deliver Sweden from mainstream and gayness. They bring the world tidings of hope.
Scar Symmetry's new album, "Dark Matter Dimensions" is scheduled to be released on the 11th of September 2009. It's scientifically proven that it's gonna kick unfathomable amounts of ass.
by Xfing June 22, 2009
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The lined indentations on your body that you have when you wake up. They disappear in a short amount of time after waking up. Sleeping scars are absolutely harmless and have no effect on you.
I must have slept wrong, because I have all these sleeping scars.
by KidWithSleepingScars October 8, 2010
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The name of the sketch Toronto suburb Scarborough, as mentioned in various rap songs.
All my friends from Scar Town got killed in drive-bys.
by veronica123456789 December 23, 2005
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A rite of passage for the rightful heir to the cum throne it symbolizes the young princes dedication to become emperor of cum the cum scar is only achievable if gallons of cum is poured directly into your open wound causing excruciating agony
I doth protest he nay even has a cum scar let alone royal cum
by JonTronShow Official October 2, 2020
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A scar on a man's penis from being circumsized
damn, that fool had hella tripped out "dick scar", at first i thought he had a disease!
by aniled June 4, 2009
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An interjection or phrase mostly used after you've caught a family member having sex. Especially an immediate family members such as siblings.
I caught my little sister banging her classmate and i'm scarred for life
by tory borty April 6, 2013
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