Any insult specific to a social group that members of that group have over time began to call eachother by, thus making it ineffective. However, it is considered inappropriate that an outsider to that group uses the term for fear fo being branded prejudiced.
kike/hymie, nigger/nigga, dyke, queer etc
by Gumba Gumba May 28, 2004
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1.) A type of insult that unexpectedly hurls itself back upon its foolish owner and blasts his/her ego into tiny shards of humility and disgrace.

2.) The boomerang "Insult" used by the 18th century Australian aborigine Chief Brucedingo to physically attack, rather than verbally assail, rapscallions.
1.) Brother 1: "You're mother's so stupid, she called you a son of a bitch!"
Brother 2: "You dick-brain, we have the same mom."

2.) Guy 1: "If you were twice as smart as I am, you'd still be stupid."
Guy 2: "..... You're a fucking idiot.. Use that tiny brain of yours better before you hurl another Boomerang Insult."

3.) Idiot: "You’re so stupid you tried to put alphabet soup in alphabetical order!"
Sage: "Yeah. It worked."
Idiot: "..."
Sage: "Sigh, another Boomerang Insult from you today. Well done!"

4.) Rapscallion: "Strewth! That fuckeroo just hit me noggin with a boom-er-ang!"
Aussie: "Consider yourself lucky mate. That was the legendary Brucedingo!"
by aeop June 28, 2011
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A statement or question that is phrased, pronounced, or contextualized as if it is an insult, when it is actually a compliment or delivering a positive message; the opposite of a "backhanded compliment".
"You're aesthetically obese."
"That's quite the fronthanded insult."
by palabraplug July 12, 2023
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A bet in Texas hold ‘em poker, on the river, when the player using the insult bet has a marginal hand, but believes their opponent has a slightly worse hand, but cannot fold to the insult bet because the pot is too big and offers fantastic pot odds, so they reluctantly call and lose the pot.

Can be balanced by using the insult bluff and the insult induce
Aww man... I keep getting milked by the insult bet at cascades casino by that fish Grant, if I keep calling I’m gonna go broke
by GrantSmith December 8, 2018
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Insults that consist of 2 words and begin with the same 1-3 letters. Use them wisely, you turd-turner.
by Bastardized Bottomburp July 28, 2003
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Insult etiquette is what you have when someone insults you and instead of crying or whining about it, you take the insult with stride and keep on trucking.
Me: You're the worst driver ever!
Them: Thanks!
Me: Wow, you show some very impressive insult etiquette.
by Ultimate Supervisor January 25, 2012
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A definition on urbandictionary designed to flame another. Usually on an external party, but regular users tend to make such definitions about other users. Some of the best are the flames about psycho bitch by G-union, although some have now been deleted.
This may include posting under another users' accepted screen-name to write a definition questioning the parentage or sexual orientation of the user.
by Kung-fu Jesus July 2, 2004
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