A place where you spend $60 on a pair or ripped jeans and a size 9 is actually a size 6. And the workers are usually so stupid and stuck up. It's a very dark store and smells like somebody dumped a bottle of perfume on everything.
Kyle- Hey babe. What happened to your jeans.

Taylor- Um. I just bought these at Hollister.
by ChillaxingPanda July 27, 2015
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(n): Ususally referred to in tragic cases, an asylum specifically treating materialistic, anorexic teens who have lost their idividuality.

Betty: Hey, Dad! Check out my new jeans!
Mr. Betty: Oh what a shame, they've ripped already..
Betty: No, I bought them this way.
Mr. Betty: What store would sell you those?
Betty: UHHHHH... Hollisterrrr, DUHH!
by HotHumidity November 23, 2008
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a store where anorexic girls and guys go to buy clothes made for only anorexic people.
an anorexic girl bought a XXS shirt from Hollister
by TAYlor. June 8, 2007
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A store for losers who think they are cool or people who think they can surf when they really can't even swim. You also can get really ripped fallen apart jeans from there.
kid: OMG i got thease jean for 200 dollars from hollister
Mom: wat a waste of money
by sumfanumber41 March 7, 2006
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A store based on a small city in southern california. Stores located in malls thruout america (as far as i know) and sell extremely overpriced apparel for teens. If u have allergies u probably cant set foot in the store because it is fully drenched with cologne and perfume. Store is very dimly lit and has an all girls section to the left and all "Dude's" section to the right of the entrance. A store which has given the bitches an all new oppurtunity to snub you- "if u are not wearing the Hollister kid look your a loser". The store is basically prejudiced against kids who cant afford, or just are smart enough to know it is pointless to spend up to sixty bucks for ripped jeans and pretty much otherwise suckish tops if they didnt have HOLLISTER written across the front. Basically a snobby rich bitch's paradise with employess who only work there because its hollister.
Hollister is overpriced
by Amygurl February 22, 2007
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Hollister is an awesome store that sells all kinda clothes. Many people talk shit about Hollister and they say it's expensive. I personaly argee with them, but the clothes at Hollister are worth buying. If you hate Hollister and people who shop and work there, i respect your opinion, because everyone is entitled to there opinion, but i think you should check out the cologne, shirts, jeans, and accesories there. All there stuff they have there are awesome.
Lance: Hey dude, wanna shop at Hollister?

Mike: Nah man, there clothes are expensive and only posers wear there clothes.

Lance: No No No, come on with me. I do respect your opinion, but they have a variety of stuff there like cool cologne, shirts, accesories, jeans, and a lot more. There stuff is expensive, but it's worth it. Plus, it's the first day of summer, and we need some clothes bruh.

Mike: Okay! This is gonna be awesome!

Lance: Yeah, haha.
by Hollister Is Awesome July 5, 2009
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a clothing where the main shopper is primary white. Where if u apply they only accept ppl that look like them. There not as racis as they used to be. There clothing are for rich kids that wanna buy 60 dollar tee shirts or 75 dollar jackets.
Girl 1: lets go to hollister !
Girls walk
Girls enter the store
GIrls together: i would never pay for a shirt that was 65 dollars
by seniors 09 September 10, 2008
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